Sandbanks should have been our beach vacation. Unfortunately, do to large amounts of rain the beaches were hard to find. The beaches we were expecting to see and had heard so much about were under water. Two of the famous sites were closed as a result of excessive flooding. Park roads, campsites and parking lots were also flooded. The famous Dunes beach was open but you could only access the famous site if you were willing to swim there! EEK! Our visit to the world’s largest fresh water sand bar and dune system wasn’t what we expected but it was tons of fun none the less. On the bright side we could fish from the back of our campsite right into the Outlet River. The high water levels also made it very easy to spot the parks many endangered turtles and snakes. Riley was the lucky one this trip and caught her first fish. Hallelujah. All of her patience and hard work paid off.